Thursday, December 8, 2011

KDEZZY : Babe, Do you really see a future in us?

It's been pondering my mind if you actually do see a future in us. I know we fight a lot now ,but i just wanna know if you just see my as a long term boyfriend. I don't know i can't help but how we are gonna be in our future. I really do wanna go up to OU go to school and live and spend time with you but plans arent just going that way right now. With my family low on money.... i know its always been our plan to go to school with each other we can but.. yeah. I honestly do see a future in us. i really do want us to work out i want us to grow old together and just spend our time together. i know were far away and things has just been so hard lately mostly because of me. But i need to change everything yes i know you heard this before. but i believe this truly is that last chance you are going to give me so ima make the most out of it. sorry ive been making you so mad. and sorry for making you have such a terrible week. i just seem to be the cause of all your troubles. :/ sigh i love you baby! thanks for being the best ever.