Thursday, December 8, 2011

KDEZZY : Babe, Do you really see a future in us?

It's been pondering my mind if you actually do see a future in us. I know we fight a lot now ,but i just wanna know if you just see my as a long term boyfriend. I don't know i can't help but how we are gonna be in our future. I really do wanna go up to OU go to school and live and spend time with you but plans arent just going that way right now. With my family low on money.... i know its always been our plan to go to school with each other we can but.. yeah. I honestly do see a future in us. i really do want us to work out i want us to grow old together and just spend our time together. i know were far away and things has just been so hard lately mostly because of me. But i need to change everything yes i know you heard this before. but i believe this truly is that last chance you are going to give me so ima make the most out of it. sorry ive been making you so mad. and sorry for making you have such a terrible week. i just seem to be the cause of all your troubles. :/ sigh i love you baby! thanks for being the best ever.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I wanna ask, but I can't. I wanna know, but there is no way of knowing without asking.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sometimes I wonder if you think the decisions you made were silly or how I get upset is silly.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Where is my Girlfrann?

she just disappeared and she doesnt seem to be picking up my phone call and i really really miss her and im kinda worried D: baby! where are you i been wanting to talk to you and you just vanished </3 ugh babeee my heart like sank booooooo! i love you & i miss you dearly.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

DT: So, nothing really changed. But also, nothing will ever be the same again.

You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.

Monday, August 22, 2011

You'll always be my number 1.

I never ment to put you second that's why I always try to talk to you while I play cause I just don't wanna leave you hanging. I really do wanna talk to you I want you to know that even when I play games I still wanna talk to you. But I guess I can't do that and I understand why. I'm sorry if I neglect you. I don't mean to... I should be giving you my full attention not some half ass shit. I'm sorry baby. I was suppose to tell you a story tonight. But I guess it's not happening I'll save it for when were both happy. Sorry you had to go to bed unhappy thats always the fucking worst. Sorry & goodnight I love you.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Khloe & I miss you muchos!

It's been so long since I've got to see you and I just fiend to be around you hold hands and just feel your touch. ugh fuck distance. But I know we've passed this stage already but dang it's still just so damn hard. Hehe I still use your perfume thing on my pillow unnnf. Such a sexy ass smell I miss you baby! Sorry I've been so sleepy lately! Just wait til I get my car!!! Than I'll be coming to your window singing you songs...with my guitar cause you know I'm such a great musician (; love you baby & welcome back home!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I poured my heart out last night while you were asleep, I feel kind of dumb. Why do I do such pointless things? I wish I could remember what I said...

dt: I don't feel special anymore

I feel like just an ordinary person in your life nowadays. I ask for too much. Ew, I'm annoying.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

dt: Sometimes,

I get so sick of "I'm sorry it'll never happen again." And I get tired of "I'll make it up to you." Whatever happened to the times when you just did things how they were supposed to be done the first time? What happened to never letting someone go to sleep upset? What happened to the part of our relationship that I miss the most? Sigh. Maybe all things change, I just didn't think it would change into something that I kind of hate. I guess I just wanted you to be there and you weren't and now I'm pouting about it. Wahh I'm just a big ass baby. Screw me. Why am I so hard to please? It's ok though, I don't really blame you... I'm impossible.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Long Distance

Something I hate about long distance is everything can be postponed. You can't have a real date set for anything. Everything planned can always be pushed back to make room for something else that comes up. IDK. This doesn't really make sense anymore.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Im sorry that you  dont trust me that much and that sometimes you have to go to the full extent to find the truth really trying to be the best boyfriend i can be. when i always go on blog spot its just so sad. i see all my mistakes and its just like hmm... how embarassing. worst boyfriend status. i mean i understand you did what you did but idk... its right than its wrong. idk. im sorry im really not trying to make you feel bad about the situation. but yeah. im sorry and i love you.. im not really feeling missouri this year your not gonna be there how sad is that gonna be D: boo i wish you could be there and we could just spend our days together. oh well i hope today turns out better its just not our day today<3 well make it through we always do (: love you.

Love Gets the Best of You

Well, here I am. I am very distraught. I don't regret telling you because that was the right thing to do. I'm sad that I lack that much trust in you that I have to go through your phone thing. But, I can't believe I can love someone so much to go to that big of an extent. I just wanted to know, did you love me as much as I love you? Am I someone who could be easily replaced with someone else? Do you pamper people with as much attention as I think you do? I am the crazy one. I am the one that did the unthinkable. You keep saying, "It's just never happened to me before." My response that is, "So?" What does that have to do with anything? Are you saying that if someone previously did that to you then it would be okay for me to do it? Well, if that's the case maybe your next girlfriend will have more luck because she can pull whatever shit she wants and it won't be freakin' crazy to you anymore. Okay, that was unnecessary to say.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I did take it too far...but, I only did it because of you.
You drove me to that point. I'm not proud of what I did, but I do not regret it. Whatever gives me peace of mind. I couldn't depend on you for the truth anymore, so I had to find out myself. I went to the extreme to know. I couldn't take just sitting around thinking and wondering anymore. I needed answers that no one would give me.

I am a psycho.

dt: tonight, you didn't say i love you after good night...


Saturday, July 2, 2011



Friday, June 24, 2011

This is you, 'cause you like to wink at everyone

KD: just kill me babe. I'm the worst boyfriend ever.

I just haven't had the time to sit down and write a blog for you like I've been wanting to. I really really do hate this feelings it's the worst not to have trust from your significant other. I know I screw up alot and I really hate talking about It but I cant always run away from it and I have to own up too it. I know I've always try to work for your trust and when I got it I just totally blew it. And you don't deserve that from me. Cause you honestly deserve nothing but the best. I really really love you babe I hope you know that. I wanna be with you & only you cause I only see you in my future. Your a keeper <3 I just don't wanna keep saying things I already said to you before. Your my most favoritest person  in the whole wide world. I don't wanna lose you ever especially not because of my dumb mistakes. Nor to somebody else

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dt: Honestly,

I got really mad yesterday and I almost went through your whole e-mail and deleted all the emails between us. If you wanna keep other people's shit that they send you don't keep mine.

DT: 1

This has turned into more of my blog than our blog. Whatever though.

Sigh. You know what sucks the most? I've been trying so hard lately. But, yesterday I got all ready for bed and I was laying there about to put my laptop up, send you a text, and turn the lights off to go to bed. Then, as I was reaching for the off button I just had a gut feeling that something wasn't right. There was something that wasn't sitting well with me and my mind just raced through the possibilities. So, I went through everything. Every possible thing you could think of I went through. That's bad of me, I know. But, I have no excuse for it. There it was though. The answer to why things weren't sitting well with me. I saw it then I couldn't stop looking for me. I just kept clicking around and you know that feeling of heart break you talk about to me sometimes? I know what you mean now. Am I disappointed? Yeah. But, you know you didn't just disappoint me, you broke my heart that time. You went against everything you've ever told me. You say you want me to know that you're loyal to me? You know what I think about that now? Bull shit. You're just buttering me up with all the lies right now, and I really can't believe you anymore. You always blame me for not trusting you. I gave you my trust back and you just threw it away again like it doesn't even matter. Like, I'm some kind of idiot who will never know what you do. Well, sorry that I'm a freak and I go trolling through your things. But, I can't say I regret it. I don't. You left it there because you knew I would find it anyways? What is the point of that? So basically that's like saying "I'm gonna like talk with another guy, but I'm not gonna tell you 'cause you know you're gonna find out anyways, so I'll just save myself some time and wait for when you find out." That doesn't make sense. I don't care if it was a week ago, yesterday, last month, half a year ago, or what. What matters was that we were together. I was trying and you went behind my back and did something you should've never done. You're excuse is that you weren't thinking. You're excuse for everything seems to be you weren't thinking. Why don't you just think then? I'm not calling you dumb. I'm calling you irresponsible. If you can't handle a little task like thinking then I really don't know. I don't understand how you could just be like "lalalala this is okay, let me just do this." then you sit down later and you finally think a little and come up with the conclusion that that was wrong. It doesn't make sense to me. I don't do well with things like that. I'm an analyzer and everything I do I've thought about. You aren't making sense to me now. Mistakes are inevitable, but they usually happen once. Yours was over a span of days. So, I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm not even sure if this will ever get read. If it does yay, if it doesn't yay to that too. I guess it doesn't really matter. But, if you are reading this I want you to know that I've been trying so hard lately. You say I don't put my all into things anymore and I have. I don't know why I should anymore though because every time I put my all into something I get something negative back. I don't understand my luck. Why does it have to be like that every time? I don't get it. I don't get it. I really, really don't. Try not to be angry if from now on after you tell me something I respond with "is that the truth?" or "annnnd? is that alll?" Still though, like I said I don't get it. I could make a whole post saying what I think about the things that have been going on. Maybe I'll just go do that. But, then I'll be a bitch. Oh well. So be it. No one will see.

I am one dumb fuckin' bitch.


Saturday, June 18, 2011


just trying to let it go... i should've never said anything anyways


I don't wanna do anything. I just wanna lay in bed and sulk. Body, will you just go to sleep please so I can be taken out of my misery? I'm tired of crying.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dt: sigh.

sinking feeling in my chest, non-existant lump in my throat, and tear filled eyes.

Tonight is a wrap. Let's try again tomorrow.

dt: /':

I guess you just don't care to talk to me... It's understandable. I'll leave you be now, I promise. I love you.

dt: so much for happy 3 months of being official eh?

Yeh, that's right I'm mad and I'm forreal. So, don't be all "Are you serious babe?" Cause I'm telling you now that I am mad. To me, it's not dumb. Btw, If you're upset at me for going to Build A Bear with someone else then lemme tell you what we were talking about most of the time, you. Yeahhh, we were talking about you so I don't even think you should be upset if you are. Monica was there anyways. We talked about you and we talked about his girlfriend. NBD. Idk if you're upset at that but it seemed like it a little or you might have just been mad that I was busy, idk.

OOOOH LOOK I did freakin' call you this morning. I don't know why you think I would lie about that anyways. There ya go. Have fun with it.

D: I'm driving to Seattle! 
K: fjasdkljflasjdfldjs
D: wow way to be the least bit excited
K: it's not like i'm going to get my hopes up, it's not like you drive to Texas anyways

WOW OKAY. Even when I did make the effort to come down there what did we do like most of the time? Follow freakin' Tony around? Yeah. Pretty sure you could have done that any day of your life, but no you had to choose that day to do it. You said we would stop by not follow him all around. Am I mad that we did that? Nah, not really. I guess the real reason I hated that part was because you paid more attention to him then you did to me. You were literally just dragging me around. I wanna stop by and look at something and you just drag my arm to continue to follow Tony. That's fun for me. Who did you talk to? Tony. What did I do? Walk. Yay for me. 


you always said i never try hard enough or put enough effort into things, now i know how you feel. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011


d: why're you up so early?
k: I'm watching the mavs parade!
d: Aww but I want your full attention):
k: It's almost over!
d: Ouchhh/:
k: -silence
ok then. that's cooooool.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

DT: How much is too much?

I hate that you have lack of trust in me and just the little doubts how you think I would like someone else when you should know babe that all I want is you. I really didn't tell her to delete it I put that on anything love. You know I let you read anything my business is your business that's why I dont care if your nosy cause I really have nothing to hide. You know all my stuff and thats why you have it cause I want you to know that I'm loyal to you and to know that all I want is you.

Monday, June 6, 2011


so mad so mad so mad so mad. must keep to self. don't start a fight diane... sigh maybe it's time for me to go to bed now...


I'm very bleh with you. I can't believe it...

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Sometimes I guess you gotta have those nights where you just cry by yourself. It seems better that way.

I'm sorry you got muted on.


Every time I "try" like you want me to, it always backfires. When I try things just end up going South. I'm a fucked up person. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. I can make no one happy. I deserve squat.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


You've changed after I told you that one thing. You may not notice, but I do...
I think what I needed to get over him was to tell you about it cause it's one of the last thoughts in my head nowadays. The new thought that has replaced that is how you've changed since then. You act so different in such small ways... Idk. It may just all be in my head.


You know.. I always get scared to fight with you. The thought that's always in the back of my mind when we're fighting is "Diane, why can't you just stop? If you keep arguing and making him mad he'll just go find someone else." pathetic right? Yeh... I know.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Truth is, apologizing just to apologize doesn't work. It's not your fault then it's not your fault. Why try to make it your fault just to make everything better? It doesn't work and it's frustrating.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

KD: Happy confirmation love (:

Oh looks it's your turn to be confirmed I hope you gotten a lot of it and that you become a stronger and more closer to God (: cause I know your always a good girl :D so I dont have to worry about anything (: it's a big mile stone in your catholic life and I bet your gonna enjoy everything tomorrow :D it's your day tomorrow so remember to enjoy it! I'm so proud to see you getting confirmed I was I could be there like I said I would but you know me always disappointing you ): but I'll be there spiritually hehe corny I know but I'm happy for you :D good job babe on making it this far (: well I shall go back to talking with you! I'm not mad or anything Kay Kay (: love you babe!
-Kevinnnn Dao.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011



To start off, I would like to say happy eighteenth monthiversary.

This isn't the way I thought it would turn out either, but so be it I suppose. I feel like there is just so much tension between us. Either that or it's all in my head. So many unspeakable emotions seem to be going through your head. My mind is blank and I am completely at a loss of words. You've never been so angry and disappointed in me before. My heart was just hurting last night. It was a feeling I've never had before and I don't even know what to do when it happens. I'm going through the motions of life, yet it feels like I'm not living my life. I'm just simple doing as I'm supposed to. I'm just so dazed. I've made mistakes and been the biggest clutz ever these past days. I can't even bear to smile really. I can't take that photo for you... I have no life left in me to put a smile on. I can't believe what's happening to us. This was never supposed to happen. Things weren't supposed to get this hard... There isn't even a way to fix it really and that's why it sucks. There's no clear solution to the problem. I can't even come up with an idea. I'm desperate at this point and slowly, but surely, approaching the breaking point. I bet you've already been there though. I didn't know you were so angry with me until you said you punched the wall...twice! Gosh, just repeating it makes me stomach do flips. You've never been so angry with me. I'll never get over that. The only time that has come close was when we were breaking up and you were yelling at me. But this time, it's different, you're so angry you don't even have words to say to me anymore. What more can I do? More? Please. I haven't even done anything. I am the most useless person right now. I can't even take you out of your misery. How am I supposed to help myself? I can't do this anymore... please let there be an answer soon.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

KD: not forgottennnn never have neva will

I haven't forgotten I was actually writing a blog the other day and than I had to leave and than my little brother deleted. I actually look at our blog everyday and I read it when I have my bad days<3 makes me happy(: I really don't want the future to happen anymore :/ cause I just want you to stay it's kinda hard thinking about what you said I mean we have our good days and it makes me forget about it but than when we don't I'm just scared ... I know I'm gonna lose you. But maybe we can change that right? It gets me really sad sometimes unbearable sometimes. But it's whatever I'll put on my big boy pants and just deal with it. I can't wait til I get to see you again I think I'll reliever all my stress <3 ohhh how I love it when I see you best feeling in the world I tell you!!(: weeeee I want my car D< so I can go on my visiting spree to see you. I really really miss you your hugs your presence your everything. I just don't want this to all go to waste well okay I'll stop with this blabbberinggg. I love you my baby <33 your the best!
-kdizzzy LOL

Sunday, April 24, 2011

DT: Missouri

Wow, can you believe it's been 260 days since I was sitting right next to you while you were playing poker?

DT: Happy 17!

Hewwooo! Wow, what a month. This month has been one of the most eventful ones that we've had in awhile. We've fought a lot and shed some tears along the way. But, we made it through those thirty or so days. We can make it through another round of thirty days! You're always there for me even if I make it hard for you to be. I'm sorry that I thought about giving up. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess you put some sense into me when you said that we're not going to have a perfect relationship. Relationships can only seem perfect when you look at it from the outside. But, when you're actually in it that's when you get to be a part of the rough times and the good times. Our good times are the best. You always put a smile on my face when we're talking on the phone. I don't even realize it most of the time, but, when I do, I can't help but to be a little embarrassed. Hehe, I'm a shy little flower. Baaaah, we're on the phone right now and I'm all quiet. You probably think I'm mad at you. I'm not though. Sooooooo, know that. I'm just messing with you. You know you love me. Thank you for being there for me Friday night when I couldn't stop crying. Thanks for calling Monica for me too. I know that I made it hard on you when I just told you to go to sleep and leave me be. It made me happy when you said you couldn't bear to go though. You never fail to do sweet little things like that. I know I say it a lot, buuut you are cute! You do such cute things. You're like a little kid. It's cute when you laugh at my lame jokes or stories. Wow, I was smiling as I typed that. How lame is that? Okay well I must go before you worry about me being super mad at you! I love yoooouuu! <333

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Everything is not okay. I don't know what to do with myself right now. Can I just sit here and cry all day please? Reality is too harsh.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

KD: you had me at hello.

I don't want you to be the one the got away. I want you to be here for keeps. The one i want to call mine. I don't want anybody else but you. I'm done playing games im done with that I've been. I just wanna settle down with you cause your the one that changed everything. I wanna enjoy life with you. The one I wanna call me love. Maybe sometimes I do get to sensitive or I take things to far. Cause I'm always scared to lose you. You really do mean everything to me love. You really do. I cant stand to always arguing with you. But like they say. " I rather argue with you than be with someone else " I know I haven't been the greatest of all boyfriends. But hey I'm trying my best to keep you happy each and everyday. Cause your such a great girlfriend that I wouldnt wanna lose. I love you Diane tran Tong <33(: hope your having a good sleep.  Ps I hope I got your full name right or that would be embarrassing. & I know that was corny(: love you baby!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

DT: Speechless.

I really don't know what to say during this situation. All I find that I can get myself to do is sit here and listen to the silence. Is there anything I possibly can do? Is there possibly a right thing to do? Please brain somehow think of the answer because I can't do it. I don't possibly know what to do. All I feel like doing is just sit here and cry. I'm trying not to, but it's so hard to push tears back sometimes. I'm trying the best I can though I promise. I still remember that moment when I found out and my heart just dropped. A million thoughts started to race through my head. I couldn't even logically think things through. I didn't know what to do. I just wished I could've done something.
You saying you have changed. Was that a promise or was that just a statement? Either way, does it really make a difference? I guess what I've really thought about was how different we are. We have different types of consciences. I possess the world's guiltiest conscience. I can barely take a pen from someone. I just don't know where I'm going with this or what I'm saying anymore.
I just want to know what to do. I want to know if there is a right thing to do. I want things to fix themselves. And most of all... I want to know if you've really changed as much as you say you have. Like you used to say "that was how I used to be." The past is slowly creeping into the present in my opinion...

I shouldn't be the one to assume though.
Goodnight world.

Monday, March 28, 2011

DT: A text to KD

Hey love! Ah I miss you so much it's like kind of unbearable at the moment. All I feel like doing is just sulking on my bed. I keep watching our video over and over again. Gosh... Does that seem like forever ago or what?! I know it feels like forever for me and it's only been like two weeks! Haha I'm obsessed. I just miss being around you in general. You never fail to put me in a great mood when you're around. Like you say, it feels like nothing could ever go wrong. I can't wait til I see you again. I can't wait until I don't have to wait. I wish you were just here. Come live in my closet? I wish you were around all the time. I guess that's life though. I don't always get it my way. Haha this is when my bratty side kicks in. Ya know, when I get everything I want hehe. I got you didn't I? Yay for me. Diane-1 Kevin-0. I win! Jk not really that scoring was rigged. I admit it. Talk to you soon! I love yoooou<333

Thursday, March 24, 2011

DT: I love you...

thank you for everything, thank you for dealing with my moody butt<33

KD: Sweeeeet 16! Hehe

Hehe I promised you I remembered! I just get lost track of the days cause I was looking forward to Friday to come already! Well I hope I still go <3 come watch my baby play tennis (: and see her own the other chicks :D so this is like our first month we've been together well I mean like we've only been together for a week officially but yeah xD haha I'm dumb. Why are you such a great girlfriend taking care of me when I'm down telling me things that make me so much better (: I was so down yesterday you dot understand but guess what babe your the one that motivates me everyday you keep me up when I'm down. You say the right things so you don't have to worry about not saying the right stuff cause you always do :D haha we've been through so much and I'm actually so happy to call you my girlfriend finally (: I just love  hearing the ring of it , it's great(: hehe.  And I like it when people are like who's your girlfriend oh she's pretty (; im like oh shucks thanks. But all in all it was nice spending yet another amazing month with you and there are many more to come (: haha I like how we say 16 like we don't say the months like happy ____ ! Hehe I was thinking sweet 16! 16 months doesn't really sound a lot until you say it's 1 year and 4 months haha :P I like how we stay up late just like old times (: just everythings great! And I love being with you so much! I hope your having a great day! And I'll be home in no time :D love you <3 and sorry and thank you again for last night (: bye love (:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

KD: need to get back on my blogging grind for you !

Haaaay there love :D I'm sorry I failed at staying up again... Haha I was probably very siqhayfaibskd last night talking about random stuff huh ): I'm sorry I don't know what's up with me. :P but I really was like wanting to just hold your hand and go to sleep (x gaaah did you even get to hear my crappy crappy story I even sat up just to tell you but somehow just ended up falling sleep. Man I must've been tired well I was I didn't get to nap ): why can't I just write good blogs like you? But hehe you are right babe we are like way more attached with each other its cute <3 I really really miss being with you. It hasn't even been a week yet.. Obsessed much ?! But Khloe and your scent just helps it a little a have a really really bad feeling well not bad but embarrassing feeling about last night since you wanted to remind you about it xD and omg it is so embarrassing that you were looking at y old pictures and thinking they were cute ewwwh babe come onnnn even I'm embarrassed right now just thinking about it horrid images! But I was really tan back than I miss being tan I'm so pale now. Woot Friday is coming an hopefully next Friday I get my car back so I can go visit you :D oh yeah see babe 3 weeks in a row that's what's up! (: I really wanna live with you like have an apartment with you is that weird just so I can see you everyday like you know wake up to you sleep with you etc etc I hope you don't get tired of me though ): that be sad. well here's your blog baby<3 I love you hope your having an awesome day (: 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

DT: I'm comin' home, I'm comin' home, tell the world that I'm comin' home...

-sigh- Where to even begin? I guess this is the time when I should pull an epic blog out of my butt hole. You know... one of those really memorably blogs that I'm actually proud of. I feel like if I start getting really into this, that you're going to call me during it and I'm going to get distracted because I'm going to really want to talk to you. K, I'm lame. I have no life, all I do is sit and wait for you to come home!

I regret all the times that I wasn't thankful for always having someone be there for me. Someone who was there for the fun conversations along with the conversations where I was just being a little girl about about everything. You've been through it all. The phone conversations where I laugh for like 5 minutes and, of course, the conversation where I just cried for an hour or so. Gosh, I'm one bipolar girl huh? I'm just full of emotions, but somehow you're still able to deal with it with a good attitude. I know I get you mad, frustrated, sad, and just very bleh. But, I just want you to know that I really appreciate everything you do for me. Don't worry, I'm not going to be ungrateful for all the kind things you do for me. You were there for me when I treated you like you were nothing. I treated you so badly and you still loved me nonetheless. I feel like it's unconditional. It's just something that I've never gotten to experience before. I never really felt like someone liked me, as a person, so much that they would do anything for me just to make me happy. But, then you came along. You kind of changed my life a little in your own little way. You made my days better. You were the person I could tell all my problems to and trust with all my secrets. You were the one there for me when I felt like I had no one. You're there for me even though I am a little betch fetch.

I still remember the days when I just thought you were the biggest jerk ever. I was just like "wow how is this guy going to tell me he likes me." I probably made you feel terrible huh? But, yet deep down inside I just couldn't fully let go. I said I didn't like you anymore, but there was always a part of me that just couldn't let go of everything no matter how hard I tried. You always won me back over. How? I don't know. I guess it's just your genuineness, even though the situation wasn't good, it still like you had genuine intentions and you weren't trying to hurt me. I guess I was the one convincing myself that you were just playing me. I convinced myself that you were a bad person. But, deep down I really knew you weren't. I always knew you were a good person, but it was just so hard to rationalize with myself what you were doing. I wasn't able to comprehend your actions and why you do/did the things you did. So, I just blamed you for everything. I put blame on your for putting me in those kind of situations. I expected you to fix everything. I could've just fixed it myself though. I could've just removed myself from the situation and everything would've been good. I tried so many times to do that, but I just kept crushing and liking you again. Oh darn you and that darn personality! Let's just say it was very hard to unlike you. I was mad at you, but I should've listened better and tried to understand better. I should have sympathized instead of blamed. I'm sorry for making you feel like a bad person. I'm sorry for all the bad moments and all the arguments that I used to pick just because. I guess I used to pick those little fights because I got to actually feel like I meant something to you. I was worth fighting for. Hehe, that's stupid huh? Sorry, I'm a girl. I cannot control myself. Yeaaaaahhhh, that's my great excuse.


DT: Video1

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Woot woot you come home today! So I try to make it kinda creative how I did the voicemail on the first day up were gone than long text than now blog! Yay so excited feels like so long since I've talk to you </3 ): but guess what love I get like almost the whole week off next week (; you know what that means more time to spend with you! Ugh I have this story to tell you about work later. & about Andrew too. I know it's kinda dumb to talk to him but yeah this might of been it like he doesnt even talk to me anymore LOL. you know it's hard to sleep without you >.> I just watch movies at night than listen to one of your voicemails than sleep. :p I'm lame I know I know. But guess what tomorrows spring break! Ohemgeeeee but you have a dentist appointment tomorrow :P doesn't really change anything but yeah xD well I hope you tell me a long story today! (: can't wait. Welcome back love <3

Monday, March 7, 2011

DT: .........


DT: lovelovelove

Day 1: Aug. 6, 2010  When I first got to MO I was so nervous to see you! I remember I tried to avoid your quan because you might have been there. I was all walking around being all like, "Where's Arlington's...." Then, I found my quan then I look across the "street" thing and I was like "Oh my gaaaahh... it's right there!" SO I like walked quickly to Monica's RV and then we just sat in there and chitchatted for awhile. We went to our quan to get something I think and while we were walking back she just all screamed like "duck! come here!" and I was all "aaah okkkkk?!!" Then you came outta nowhere. Well, we have great hiding skills. We're so smooth. But, dang you must have thought I was a weirdo huh? Haha, well you know what?! I don't cuuuurrrr. Then, we met up with you guys right in front of your parent's tent and you gave me a good, good hug. I was like "aaahh this is not happening ^^ " But, it was happening and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't know if I should give An a hug or not lol so I just opted to not give him one so I wouldn't be like weird or anything like that. So, we walked to your real tent to charge my phone. Monica and I started sitting on the floor and outta nowhere you said we couldn't and you like commanded us to sit on this airy mattress that you brought out. Lol, I remember I sat on there and it was so unstable, so when you sat on there too all the air like almost pushed me off. Haha, that would've been bad. We started comparing silly band bracelets. Oh... I was so nervous to be around you. You don't even know. That's why I avoided you at first when I got to the site. But, you're cute and friendly so it's all good hehe. Monica and I left and then we went back to her RV and did some stuff and I don't even remember what happened really. But, I came back to get my phone and you were like gambling or something and I just left and you said you would hang out with me soon and I was just all "okay then..." You eventually came to the RV though you walked there with An, but then he left and it was just you. You opened the door and one of the little kids fell out! I was like WHAT THE HECK!!!?!!!! You jerk! Haha, but it's all good because you caught her. It would've been really bad if you didn't like no joke. You came and sat and I was so nervous again! I like couldn't even hold eye contact with you lol that's how bad it was. It was super not cute. I just remember I was all "maybe he'll hold my hand." Yeah... in my dreams! Madly rejected haha so yeah. We talked and we both kept fidgeting with our phones and everything. Good stuff, good stuff. Church came and you came to sit with Monica and I. Monica left and you asked me if you could use my chapstick I was like "okay." you used it and finished and you just stuck it in your pocket! Lol, what the heck! Monica came back. Then, Vi and Paula came outta nowhere and they sat with us too. Hehe, you had to sit next to Paula ya loser face! How'd you like thaaaaaat!? Church was over and you had to go back to your quan and help out with the rush after each mass. Then Monica and I went to go get food and go to her RV. You texted me and told me to come watch the show with you and I was like "sure." I soooo could NOT find you. So, I ended up like standing against a wall all by myself. I felt like a prostitute and all awkward like. It was not a good situation. I didn't like you. But, I was like whatever you have to come eventually.... so, you did. Then, we began walking around and we ended up going to your family's truck to get my journal and things. I remember you left me there sitting awkwardly in a chair next to where everyone sleeps and I was like "sigh...ok...just ditch me here/:" BUT IT'S COOLLLLLLLLLL. You came back with my keychain, bracelet, and journal. I was so happy. You left to go get dial soap and I went back to Monica's. You finally got back and it was time for me to leave, so I brought you your bag of stuff and I received a biiiiiiiig ol' hug and I went on my way.

Day 2: Aug. 7, 2010 I got to the site and went to go pray and right when I was done I was getting ready to go wake you up so you could come play with me! You texted me back super fast though so you already woke yourself up. I went to go find you and you were brushing your teeth. Haha, I remember you were all brushing your teeth at that water thang and I stood like super far away because I didn't want you to feel awkward. Someone called you and you were all just standing there talking on your phone. Then, you finished and you came and gave me a hug:) I was like "ohhh yessssss" hehe. We started walking around and you were going to go to Wal-Mart I think, but I couldn't go so you didn't go either and I was so happy! We walked around the whole site place trying to find somewhere to just sit and play, but everywhere was full! And there were those Free Hugs people and I gave that dude a hug. Lol, jealous?! So then we started walking around some more and we found Peter! Ooooo you were so mad at him... you were all just yelling at him and I started to walk like 10 paces behind you guys. I was so scared I was about to just walk off by myself. I was like, "Maybe I shouldn't be here right now... but where do I go!?" So you finished that and I was just all scared and sad and you brought me to your restaurant. We sat down and you left me again with all your friends. Lol not cool man. I was so like "uhhh... awkward." And as Andrew said I did not have a happy camper face on. Oopsie to that if I was all like ;[ But you finally came back after what seemed like a century! Haha, you sat down started eating and then you held my hand. oh my gaaaaaaaaah XD! Good stuff... forreaaall... BUT WHAT A DANG TEASE! It was for like .2 seconds then it just ended, outta nowhere, over. I was kinda sad. Haha, but you gave me butterflies. My oh my... You finished eating and we left. We went to go sit inside your parent's tent and I was just all worried about whether they would come back or not. You said they never do so I shouldn't worry at all. Then BAM your dad comes in then your mom comes in! And you all secretly escaped and you waved me to leave too hahaha that was so scary! It was funny though. So, we sad outside of the tent for awhile then ended up going back to yours. We came there and you were playing 13 with your family and they all made you kneel and stuff lol. Uh you tried to get me to play and I was like like "no... ya'll would own me and I would be on my knees forever." Haha, ahh why do I suck at card games? Somehow though 13 turned into poker and like everyone just came. We were sitting there in a little circle and you held my hand again. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. -Sigh, good stuff good stuff. Then you brought water to your dad and I tagged along because I didn't want to be left alone. We were walking and you walked behind me and put your arms around me and i was like DEAD. You gave water to your dad got a belt and we went back. Then back to what was going on. Then, I left to go to Monica. You walked me there and you gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek and left. I was like awwww. Monica popped out of nowhere and she was just giving me this mushy gushy face lol how embarasssssinnngggg! I hung out with her for a bit then went back to hangout with you. You were with An and Tho. We sat there and we were just holding hands. It was so relaxing. I remember I went to go zip up your tent and you were like "what the heck babe! you weren't supposed to be the one to do that!" haha and i like stupidly said "uhh do you want me to go unzip it?" how dumb can i get? You were so obsessed with my acrylic fingernails! Haha, no joke yo. You kept rubbing it and playing with it. You were amused. I guess you just have a thing for it huh? Church came and then everything kind of went downhill. You ditched your family to come sit with me and I ditched you to go sit with Vi. Gosh. I'm a jerk. After mass, I was planning to walk to you and I just saw you storm off. I tried to go after you but you just walk too fast and somehow disappeared. I kept texting you and you were nowhere to be found. -sigh. It was really sad actually. I felt like such a jerk. It's a poopoo kind of feeling.. I got alligator for you because we were planning to go eat some but never had the opportunity to so I got you some. You finally texted back and we were going to go to Calvary Hills. We met you at your tent and you put your tarp thing up and walked out into the street and just started walking off. I followed you obediently. I was frightened and sad. I kept asking if you were okay but you always and yeah I'm fine. So we took a wrong turn and then I got a text that said I had to go home. We were just there by the tree being all sad saying goodbye hugging and all that good stuff. You turned to start walking back and I followed you then you just turned around and kissing me. It was just so sudden. Out of nowhere... I was shocked. But, it was a good first kiss and I don't regret it at all. You walked off and I couldn't help but start smiling apparently haha. Gosh such a good feeling afterwards. Then we hugged for the last time said our goodbyes and left. It was really sad. The only thing I could think of was when I will get to see you again because I definitely don't think I can wait another year! I also couldn't help but think about the kiss. Haha, on my way home I was just like "hmm... can I do it all over again....?" I couldn't stop thinking about for like ever. I'm creeeeeeepy:)

Day 3: Aug 20, 2010 (wrong date?) You were on your way back to Texas after going to Kansas to visit family. I remember the night before you were like super wasteeeddddd or was that the night before that night? Ah, idk but yeah. I was like scared for you. I didn't want you to like hurt yourself hehe. BUT, I'm so happy that you take so much effort to come see me even if it was only for around thirty minutes it was the best thirty minutes I've ever had in a long, long time. I remember you came and you went to go say hello to my parents and we were walking to my room. You took a detour though and you went to the restroom. I was sitting in my room just thinking about whether or not I managed to make my restroom like decent or not! I didn't want my underwear and bras like laying on the ground all grossly ya know? Or like a nasty looking toilet or toothpasty sink. EEK! I was like so distraught over it. But, you said it was all good and that was a really big relief. So, then came the scary part which was that you were going to kiss me eventually. I just knew it! I was so, so nervous! I didn't want to me a messer upper or a bad kisser. Gosh, I remember back in those days I was just so worried in what you would think and I was still caught up in making a good impression that I like ruined it by being worried! Gosh, how embarrassing huh? So, you started laying on my bed and I was just sitting up their near my pillows and you grabbed for my hand. I was just like aw I've missed this so much and it hasn't even been that long. I looked at the clock and so much time had already passed and it feels like we barely did anything! I was in such disbelief. I didn't want it to end. Then, we were playing like so strange version of mercy or whatever. Yeah.... I'm a weakling. You win ): Imma loser haha. OH EM GEE THEN YOU KISSED ME! I was like AHHH!!!!!!!! I was freaking out inside and it turned into a really poopy kiss because I was freaking out on the inside. Gosh, I can't believe I was so like scared about that now. Goodness, I am a freak. How do you stand it? It came time for you to go though. It was really sad. We got off the bed and hugged for a super long time behind my door. Gosh I remember I kept losing my balance and I started to like lean on you for balance and I was like "oh no! I don't want you to topple over or something" Haha even though that would be kinda cute (; Then you popped the question "so babe are you going to kiss me now?" and my wonderful response was "nooo...." then you took your hand lifted my chin up and just planted one on me hehe. It's okay. I enjoyed it. :) Then, you had to leave. Our hug only lasted a few seconds longer then I walked you to the door and you walked away hopped in your car and made your way back to Texas. How devastating... That just always has to be the worse I swear /:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

DT: busy bee

Hey busy little boy! I bet you're dead tired from staying up super late yesterday huh? Now, you're all like at work dying probably. Pooor Kevin</3 It's okay because by the time you're reading this you'll probably be all comfy in your nice little bed. I love you! Sorry that I was becoming dead tired yesterday and couldn't stay up and continue playing games with you ahah. I enjoy beating you at everything(; Jk, jk you're actually getting pretty good at pool haha i'm intimidated! You're probably going to own me one day and I'll never see it coming. DUUUUDE they discon. my fave concealer): I am so devastated... you have no idea I'm like sulking about it. Lol, hopefully they'll have it on like eBay or summin so I will temporarily not have to be sad. I have no life. I have a confession.................................. okay i don't really wanna tell you anymore. It's embarrassing. There's nothing much to write about. I'm glad everything is going swell. I'm glad it's almost spring break. I'm reaaally glad that I get to see you soon because it's already felt way too long. I'm sad that I won't get to spend MO with you again. I'm super sad about it actually. I was devastated when my mom told me.. it wasn't even funny :/ Gosh, things just can't go my way huh? I'm sorry. I will make it all up to you one day</3 don't hate me for being far, far away....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2. Describe the results of the slaughter of the buffalo on the lives of the Plains Indians. How did they react and with what effect?
For the Plains Indians tribes, it affected their whole scheme of life, and understanding of their Universe. And they saw that their life was being taken away from them. Plains Indians began to realize that they were going to have to do something and to fight for their lands, in a way to fight for the buffalo. They're defending their lands. I mean anyone would defend their lands, their homelands.
5. Why were cattlemen so violently opposed to the arrival of farmers and sheep herders on the open range? Explain.
The cattlemen were so violently opposed to the arrival of the sheep herders on the open range because the sheep would grazed the grass and the roots and contributed to overgrazed, depleted ranges and they would also be taking up the land and water of the cattlemen.

6. Describe the role railroads played in attracting settlers to the West and establishing patterns of settlement.
The railroads help transport the settlers from the east faster, safer, and also help with all the equipment they had would have to carry in there cars/wagons. Once other settlers saw how easy it was to settle in the west they would travel in bunches and would start establishing towns and settlements.

7. Why was the Homestead Act of 1862 passed and what were its provisions? Did the majority of settlers who moved west to the Great Plains acquire land under the provisions of the Homestead Act? Why or why not?

The Homestead Act was passed to help get people to come to the west to get what was cheap land that came at 25 cents per acre. Its provisions were to help shape up the united states in the west and have people settle and farm there. Yes, the majority of the settles were there to acquire land from the homestead act because they wanted to start fresh brand new life and have bigger land and opportunity than they would have had in east.

8. What led to the ride of agribusiness in California and with what results?
Reforms saw in the Dawes Severalty Act the ultimate solution to the "Indian problem." Could it be said htat the measure fulfilled expectations? Explain.

 10. How did the dime novel westerns and Wild West shows of the second half of the 19th century portray life in the West and with what results?
   It showed that the westerners were starting to pick up and starting to become more civilized which influenced more people from the east to start to come and start a new life in the east which help have more people support the north.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

KD: yaaaaaay Blog!

I really miss being in Oklahoma cause that's when I feel like nothings wrong and it's like perfect and here it's like school work my parents on me all the time and I keep thinking about and I'm like -.-" ugh I really wish I was just there with babe ): cause I just enjoy being with you and yeah(: spring break is like a week and a half awayy. I keep thinking about ! It's like always on my minnd oh my.. Gaaaawsh. Yeah weeee my girlfraaaan<3 (x so you should get your letter tomorrow .. Yeah it like sucks -.-" so please don't kill me okay?  I tried I tried. I want an iPhone4 now! Haha sorry if I was hideous yesterday it was like last min thing but thanks for like webcamming with me Though(: well I can't wait for your next blog! I like reading your stuff <3 kaaay bye time to talk to you on the phone (: 

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Dang, I am pooped from staying up 'til like three last night. We used to be able to do that on a daily basis! Dang, we are lame now. We have become old and tired youngins. Ugh, I'm like updating my mom's iPod and I'm converting YouTube files to mp3 files and it takes literally forever! What a great, great life. Anyways, I enjoyed watching Going the Distance with you last night. That was a cute movie. I can't wait to see what happens! They better live happily ever after or else I'm going to! (Gosh, this downloading/converting thing is taking forever because Netflix is running on my Wii. That's so annoying! I hate Netflix!) I had a really good idea for a blog last night and the night before, but now that I am actually sitting here writing it, I'm totally blanking out! This sucks. I'm sorry. I promise when it comes to me again I will write it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


dizzzaaang. has it been 15 monthsss?! hehe hasnt it feel like its been moree or less i dunnno. but all i know is that im just happy to be with you now (: we've been going strong huuhh hehe i love itt. i havent felt so happy to be with someone in so longgg. and your the perfect person to spend my time with<3 cause it never feels like a wastee(: i really cant wait for your letter to commmme! haha i love it when i get mail from youuu. so one day we shall spend the 24th together! hopefully soon. than itll be good. but in the mean time this is good enough<3 not complaning! so we kinda spent the whole day together so far (: i was all like yeah today im not gonna screw up i wanna spend it with baaabe! so yay :P but i surely hope we get to talk tonight its been getting kinda lonely sleeping alone</3 so come back soon! awwhh you all left and i still wanted to webcam ): but its okkkay we shall phone tonight :D! well i shall go play words with friends you knooow. (: i looove you baabe thanks for being the best<3 haaappy 15 months!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Let us rejoice in the event that took place today. Haha, what if I all spoke like that? You would be all like "wtf babe.." Hehe, gah I love you! I loved today. I love every single day that I get to spend with you. It is amazing. That's not even an overstatement because I actually think it was better than amazing. I hate how three hours just flies by like it was three minutes! I swear when you told me it was 7:58 I was so surprised! I thought it was only like 6:30. Gosh, I was like so devastated. Sorry): next time I will try to sulk during my time going home. I think I should burn the same CD as you so I can leave it in my car and sulk to it next time you leave. I'm glad your wittle buddies liked it. I was like nervous that they would be like "gross." Why do I care so much on what people think of me? /: I need to stop that! AHHHHH DUDE I FEEL BAD because they all like saw... and I was like "XD!!!! frick." Oh well that's yo frans, I never see them:). I love how you tell me you're kind of sick after we like shared drinks and kissed like 4093840 times. Way to go dear :P. Jk, I would've kissed you anyways. I have no self control. If you come from now on, I just gotta do it even if you have like the flu. I don't think I would if you had mono though... so pwease don't get it ^.^ Thank you so much for the brushes! Kay, so maybe going to go get them was an excuse to get you semi alone teheheheh, oopsie. dsjfkljsdklfjldksj! come home already you need to tell me the story of today. I love you so muchhh! AND I can't wait until I get to see you again! <3333333

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

KD; Slaaackerr.

hahah i apologizzzee for not writing i havent even been on the computer .. but theres no excuses for that riighht. omg these days has been so nice outside im like dang if babe was here we can go walk in the park be all romantic and what noot yaa know. hahah ohemgeee! 3 more dayy til i see you i cant wait! ive been really missing you more the usual its getting like all harder everyday and what not but yeah i heard that the huynh truong camp is over spring break so uuhh. ima try to stay over there for no reason hahha im not gonna go just wanna find an excuse to go see you yaaa knoow. but yeah(: i just wanna spend like one full day with you is that to much to ask for hmphhh . so i really wanna write a good rap cause an wants me to go rap with him but yeah... i suck.. well yeah you want me to go play polyvore with you so ima end here byee<3!

Monday, February 7, 2011


KD: The things little things you do makes me (:

I just wanna start out saying im sorry D: about last night going crazy.. wasnt me. i just want you to know that i adore errthang about you babe and even though i do the stupidest things or say the stupidest things. i still love you no matter what happens (: cause i know you'll do the same for me. blaaah your like the greatest :D! and no no thank you for watching the super bowl with me (: well always watching with me when i ask <3 haha i hope i can start getting thursday off cause i really miss watching greys with you. I know we have a lot of differences but i must admit we do get a long with each other quite well(; we agree with each other here and there so its no like were completely different right? and im always down to try new things with you ;D hahah oh yeah heres the shoes babe ! XD

andd i wannna get you some jordans ohhh. if i do get you some (; we should match .. cute huhh.
sorry just had a hopeless romantic moment there haha well looking forward to talking to you soon my love<3

Sunday, February 6, 2011

DT: Feb. 6, 2011

YAAAYY! We watched the Superbowl together :) I must say, I only watching football games with you. Haha, is that lame? I know right.. like, if it was by myself I would be so bored! OMG so intense at moments I swear I just wanna die. BUT in the end it was allllll good! <3
Thank you fooorrrrrrrr watching with me even though I was annoying tehe.

& thank you for my MAC brushessss! -diiiiiessssssss

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1. What was the highlight of your week?
K: Well the highlight of my week hasnt happened yet :P
D: Ask me that on Friday. snow day on tuesday.

2. Whose car were you in last?
K: My ownnns
D: Mines

3. When is the next time you will kiss someone?
K: Hopefully on friddaaaay ;D
D: I dont kiss people ,sorry. NEVER. virgin lips.

4. What color shirt are you wearing?
K: whiiite
D: Greey.

5. How long is your hair?
K: Getting to long
D: Just lonng.

6. Are you good looking?
K: Uhhh noo.
D: No.

7. Last movie you watched?
K: Harry Potter 5
D: Mean girls 2.

8. Who were you with?
K: My Baaaaby(:
D: Myself.

9. Last thing you ate?
K: Rice with eggs rolls.
D: Cup Noodles.

10. Last thing you drank?
K: Coca-Cola
D: Thai Tea.

11. When was the last time you had your heart broken?
K: You know that one time.
D: Ohhh you knoow that one time.

12. Who came over last?
K: Brandon , and Tony
D: Uhhh mike.

13. Are you happy right now?
K: chyeaaah.
D: Sure thing chicken wingg

14. What did you say last?
K: " what did you last say "
D: sure thing chicken waaang.

15. Where is your phone?
K: Right next to me
D: in my make up draaw.

16. What color are your eyes?
K: Brown
D: Brown

17. Are you left-handed?
K: No.

18. Spell your name without vowels:

19. Do you have any pets?
K: Yes , a fish.
D: No.

20. Favorite Vacation?
K: Missouri last year(: / Florida.
D: New Jersey

21. What do you dislike currently?
K:  School.
D: Kevin.

22. What are you listening to?
K: Babe talking
D: Kevin

23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
K: Be with babe.
D:  Kevin

24. What is your favorite scent?
D: Kevin.

25. Who makes you happiest?
K: Baaaabyy.
D: Not Kevin.

26. What were you doing at midnight last night?
K: On the phone with babeee.
D: Kevin

27. When is your birthday?
K: May 29.1993.
D: November 17,1993

28. Who has the same phone as you?
K: Babeee."
D: Kevin

29. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
K: In the summer?
D: Last summer?

30. Do you read your horoscope?
K: Noope
D: yeah not my new ones thoughhh

31. Where was the last place you bought something?
K: Finishlinee.

32. How do you feel about your hair right now?
K: Its too looong D:
D:smeeexy ;D

33. Do you bite your nails?
K: sadly yes.
D noooo.

34. Do you have any expensive jewelery?
K: hahah i dont think soo.
D: Yeeesh.

36. Myspace or facebook?
K: Facebook :P
D: facebook

37. How fast have you driven a car?
K: 125 ish :P
D: 70 mph.

38. Have you ever smoked?
K: Noppe
D: noo.

39. What was or is your favorite subject in school?
K: I hate school.
D: i never really have a fav subject

40. Do you have Verizon?
K: Nooo.

41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
K: " the smart ones "
D: the one that bites their nails

42. Do you have any hidden talents?
K: i can blow spit bubbles LOOOL/
D: their to hidden

43. Favorite Song?
K: dunnn really have one
D: Gernade

44. Do you like to sing at all?
K: Kindaa to myself
D: no , i suck

45. Dream Job?
K: Havent thought of one :P
D: uuuhhh idunno i dunnnnoo

46. Where does most of your family live?
K: Texaaas.
D:  VN.

47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
K: Siblinnngs.
D: siblaaangs.

48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
K: No D:
D: yeeeeah :P

49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
K: its cold..
D: ima go back to sleep.

50. Do you drink?
K: Nope not a drinker.
D: No but kevin does.

51. Know any other languages?
K: Yeeees.

52. Ever write a coded message?
K: LOL no.
D: noooo.

53. Have you ever been IN a wedding?
K: nooope.
D: the flower girll

54. Do you have any children?
K: uh noo
D: Well you know me have a bunch running around

55. Did you take a nap today?
K: no i didnnt
D: no i slept to much

56. Who has the same birthday as you?
K: i dont know anybody yay
D: some random guy idk..

57. Ever met anyone famous before?
K: yeeesh
D: Kevinnn

58. Do you want to be famous one day?
K: haha maybe
D: no i do not.

59. Any Pet Peeves?
K: not that many
D: yes

60. Are you multitasking right now?
K: yes. i think i am xD
D: im putting my sock onnn

61. Do you like Britany Spears?
K: Yes.

62. What is your least favorite chore?
K: Everything.
D: Everything clothes related

63. Last place you drove your car?
K: Kfc LOL
D: Home

64. Ever been out of the country?
K: Yeees
D: Yeeees

65. Where were you born?
K: Grand prairie , Texas
D: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

66. Could you handle being in the military?
K: haha i cant XD
D: no. omg i would die.

67. What is your average cell phone bill?
K: 100 something
D:172 dollars.

68. Who are you thinking about right now?
K: Babeee you know always always.

69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?
K: like a few moments ago
D: todaaay

70. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
K: not to many.
D: not that many for a girl

71. Are your toes always painted?
K: uhhh nooo.
D: no i wish .. i hate painting my toes.

72. How many piercings do you have?
K: to many to count!

73. What are you doing today?
K: Date with babe (:
D: you ... meee. idkkk.

74. Have you ever been gambling?
K: Uhhh noo.
D: no but kevin haas.

75. When is the last time you updated your page?
K: What page
D: paaage ? myspace page...

76. Do you like rollercoasters?
K: hahha i like the thrill
D: not that one that your feet dangle , but the wussies one yes.

77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world?
K: hahha yuuup!
D: nooo.

78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
K: hahah not really.
D:i really like bolt.

79. Last thing you cooked?
K: i dont remember.
D: cup nooodles

80. Hows the weather?
K: cold and snowy.
D: haaawt.

81. Do you e-mail?
K: yees.
D: i used tooo.

82. Whats the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
K: dropped it in pho
D: Let kevin touch it...

83. Last time you were sick?
K: yesterdaaay.
D: last yearr.

84. What states have you lived in?

85. Do you wish you could move?
K: YEEEEEES please(:
D: not even a litttle.

87. What is your dream car?
K: g37 or lambooo. haha
D: i cant jus tpick just one

88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have?
K: oh yeees.
D: yeaaaah.

89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
K: Babes housse.
D: Kevin.

Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?
K: Maybe tony if he was creeping
D: tony if anyone

When youre walking, do you stop to drink?
K: lol i dont think so.
D: like briefffly.

Do you believe that if you want something bad enough youll get it?
K: hahah maybeee
D: possibly but it will take a long time and you have to put in effort to get it.

Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?
K: OH yees (;
D: guilty as charged.

Ever snuck out of your house?
D: No neeeever.

Kill or Be killed?
K: Kill.
D: Be Killed.

Break someone’s heart or have your heart broken?
K: Sorry im a heart breaker.
D:Heart Breaker.

What did you do today?
K: Baaaaby.
D: Kevin

Do you like someone right this second?
K: Maaaybe
D: Not reallly.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
K: hahha maybe
D: uhh... no

Are you a morning person or a night person?
K: Night Person
D: Night Person

Do you snore?
K: NOOO. (:

Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?
K: i dont think so.
D: Kevin has an abortion

What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body?
K: id be like what the fuuuuuck.
D: -straight face- -dies-

Do you like to spend time with people?
K: Ofcouuurse!
D: Sure thannng chicken waaang.

Are you hungry?
K: not that much
D: uhh nnooo

Are you a forgiving person?
K: i'd like to think so
D: it dependss.

When was the last time you did the dishes?
K: hahah probably like a week ago.
D:  uh huhuhuhuhu not recently.

Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
K: hahah yeees.
D: Kevvvvvinn

Do you want a relationship right now?
K: yes with babe.

Last song you sang out loud?
K: My booo.
D: Gernadde

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
K: Baabe!

Last thing you downloaded on your computer?
K: hahah i dont remember.
D: Vietnames music for my mommm

Have you changed much this year?
K: hahah i think sooo :P idk.
D: nooo.

Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
D: My room

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
K: HAHA not really a celebrity,
D: alot of people say i look like beyonce

Do you dress for style or comfort?
K: comfort
D: a little of both

Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
K: Of couursee!
D: Noo.

Whats the craziest thing youve done?
K: I'm not sure
D: Uh uh uh I'm too boring for crazy

Favorite color(s)?
K: greeen
D: Blue and pink

What is your favorite Nickelback song?
K: I don't listen to Nickelback
D: ^

What are you looking forward to this summer?
K: Uhm, everything that I've got planned
D: A job which = money

Last time you smiled?
K: Uhhhh yesterday
D: At school today

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
K: Of coursee
D: yeh

How many girlfriends/ boyfriends have told you they love you?
K: -shrugs
D: One out of one

Have you ever thought that you were going to marry a person?
K: Sure
D: I don't know, like in pretend world idk about real life

Are you crushing on someone?
K: Noo, I love her
D: In a manner of speaking

Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?
K: All the time.
D: No.

Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
K: I guuuesss
D: yeeeehhh, not intentionally

Are you happier single or in a relationship?
K: In a relationship
D: Depends on the relationship

Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?
K: No
D: Yehhh, kind of

Have you ever had your heart broken?
K: Yup.
D: No.

Have you ever broken someone's heart?
K: I hope not
D: Not that I know of

If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
K: Who wouldn't?
D: Yeah, a few things

Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?
K: I believe so.
D: No.

Have you dated people who were not good to you?:
K: Sure.
D: No.

Have you dated someone older than you?
K: Yes.
D:  ^

K: Yeaaahh.
D: No

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
K: Yeah
D: Yeah.

Do you Believe in love at first sight?
K: It could happen
D: Not even

Ever been given an engagement ring?
K: nope
D: no

Do you want to get married?
K: Yup
D: In the future:)

Has anyone ever told you they wanted to marry you?
K: I don't think so
D: Eh not like forreal

Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend?
K: Nope
D: Neeehh

Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?
K: Yeah
D: I wouldnt know

Have any of your ex's told you they regret breaking up with you?
K: nope
D: I don't have any ex's

Have you ever flirted with a friends crush?
K: Nope
D: neeehh

Would you believe your ex if she/he said they love you?
K: uh no
D: I don't have an ex

Would you ever date your best male/female friend?
K: nope
D: Sure thang chicken wang

Have any of your exs called you by a nickname after the break up?
K: No
D: I don't have any ex's

If your best friend of the opposite sex went out with someone you knew was wrong for them would you speak up?
K: Yeah
D: Of course!

Do you regret any of your relationships?
K: No
D: Neehh

Have you ever kissed someone with braces?
K: Yes
D: Nope