Monday, March 24, 2014

I miss you so much.

And you probably don't even know it. I constantly think about you still as if we were still going out. I still think about what you are doing every minute of the day what you're thinking about and do you think of me as much of I think of you? I hope you are doing well. You know what's funny is that I'm actually taking this break up so much harder than I thought I would've it's been months and all I can think about is you. Yeah I tried to move on but it doesn't work. I'm trying to find you in all those girls I try to talk to. I stay up at night hoping one day you'll text me first asking how I'm doing. That you'll call me one day and tell me that you still love me and maybe one day we'll be back together and be happy again. Because with you was when I was my happiest. I'm still sorry til this day and I regret everything I did. But the thing I regret most is letting you go so easily I should've fought a little harder maybe just not fuck up. That all I needed to do was not fuck up. And I couldn't even do that. Sigh. I hope you been doing well it's not the same talking to you anymore just feels like you push me away now of days and just doesn't feel right looking at babybear in my phone anymore I just can't get myself to change it in my phone. I hope nothing for the best for you. I love you.

-Kevin Dao