Friday, February 18, 2011


Let us rejoice in the event that took place today. Haha, what if I all spoke like that? You would be all like "wtf babe.." Hehe, gah I love you! I loved today. I love every single day that I get to spend with you. It is amazing. That's not even an overstatement because I actually think it was better than amazing. I hate how three hours just flies by like it was three minutes! I swear when you told me it was 7:58 I was so surprised! I thought it was only like 6:30. Gosh, I was like so devastated. Sorry): next time I will try to sulk during my time going home. I think I should burn the same CD as you so I can leave it in my car and sulk to it next time you leave. I'm glad your wittle buddies liked it. I was like nervous that they would be like "gross." Why do I care so much on what people think of me? /: I need to stop that! AHHHHH DUDE I FEEL BAD because they all like saw... and I was like "XD!!!! frick." Oh well that's yo frans, I never see them:). I love how you tell me you're kind of sick after we like shared drinks and kissed like 4093840 times. Way to go dear :P. Jk, I would've kissed you anyways. I have no self control. If you come from now on, I just gotta do it even if you have like the flu. I don't think I would if you had mono though... so pwease don't get it ^.^ Thank you so much for the brushes! Kay, so maybe going to go get them was an excuse to get you semi alone teheheheh, oopsie. dsjfkljsdklfjldksj! come home already you need to tell me the story of today. I love you so muchhh! AND I can't wait until I get to see you again! <3333333

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