Sunday, April 24, 2011

DT: Happy 17!

Hewwooo! Wow, what a month. This month has been one of the most eventful ones that we've had in awhile. We've fought a lot and shed some tears along the way. But, we made it through those thirty or so days. We can make it through another round of thirty days! You're always there for me even if I make it hard for you to be. I'm sorry that I thought about giving up. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess you put some sense into me when you said that we're not going to have a perfect relationship. Relationships can only seem perfect when you look at it from the outside. But, when you're actually in it that's when you get to be a part of the rough times and the good times. Our good times are the best. You always put a smile on my face when we're talking on the phone. I don't even realize it most of the time, but, when I do, I can't help but to be a little embarrassed. Hehe, I'm a shy little flower. Baaaah, we're on the phone right now and I'm all quiet. You probably think I'm mad at you. I'm not though. Sooooooo, know that. I'm just messing with you. You know you love me. Thank you for being there for me Friday night when I couldn't stop crying. Thanks for calling Monica for me too. I know that I made it hard on you when I just told you to go to sleep and leave me be. It made me happy when you said you couldn't bear to go though. You never fail to do sweet little things like that. I know I say it a lot, buuut you are cute! You do such cute things. You're like a little kid. It's cute when you laugh at my lame jokes or stories. Wow, I was smiling as I typed that. How lame is that? Okay well I must go before you worry about me being super mad at you! I love yoooouuu! <333

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