Friday, June 17, 2011

dt: so much for happy 3 months of being official eh?

Yeh, that's right I'm mad and I'm forreal. So, don't be all "Are you serious babe?" Cause I'm telling you now that I am mad. To me, it's not dumb. Btw, If you're upset at me for going to Build A Bear with someone else then lemme tell you what we were talking about most of the time, you. Yeahhh, we were talking about you so I don't even think you should be upset if you are. Monica was there anyways. We talked about you and we talked about his girlfriend. NBD. Idk if you're upset at that but it seemed like it a little or you might have just been mad that I was busy, idk.

OOOOH LOOK I did freakin' call you this morning. I don't know why you think I would lie about that anyways. There ya go. Have fun with it.

D: I'm driving to Seattle! 
K: fjasdkljflasjdfldjs
D: wow way to be the least bit excited
K: it's not like i'm going to get my hopes up, it's not like you drive to Texas anyways

WOW OKAY. Even when I did make the effort to come down there what did we do like most of the time? Follow freakin' Tony around? Yeah. Pretty sure you could have done that any day of your life, but no you had to choose that day to do it. You said we would stop by not follow him all around. Am I mad that we did that? Nah, not really. I guess the real reason I hated that part was because you paid more attention to him then you did to me. You were literally just dragging me around. I wanna stop by and look at something and you just drag my arm to continue to follow Tony. That's fun for me. Who did you talk to? Tony. What did I do? Walk. Yay for me. 


you always said i never try hard enough or put enough effort into things, now i know how you feel. 

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