Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DT: Bleh.

Bleh seems like it's the perfect word to describe my mood. I try to put things that don't make me happy in the back of my mind, but I always find that when I have spare time everything rushes into my thoughts. I force myself to sit back and overanalyze everything. In all honesty, I don't even know what I'm "overanalyzing" because it doesn't even make sense to me. It wouldn't make sense to anyone. I make myself seem so complex, but in reality I just sound absurd because even complex people can find it in themselves to explain their thoughts or emotions. And me? Yeah, I can't even find a word to describe my moods lately. The best thing I can think of is the sound "bleh."

I'm not in the mood to do anything lately. I'm hungry, but I don't even want to eat. It's weird. It's like everyday I walk into the cafeteria and I'm like, "ugh nothing here even looks the slight bit appetizing to me." But then, I always end up picking something and shoving it down my throat. Half the time I actually like my forced pick. Other than food though, other things have been going on. I'm been in such a sour mood lately. Why would anyone want to be my friend or even talk to me? I wouldn't even want to talk to me. The world doesn't revolve around me so I can't expect other people to fix my own mental problems. Sometimes, I can't believe I take things to seriously. I wish I could help it but when I do hear things like that I'm just like, "dang, -sigh."

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