Saturday, January 29, 2011

DT: A friendly conversation... not

Diane: What did your brothers do to themselves...
Monica: cut their hair.
Diane: whyy :o
Monica: why not
Diane: So dramatic, haha i would cry if i cut that much hair off. they have balls
Monica: No not really and yeah but they're boys. no they just don't care
Diane: haha they're funny
Monica: Everyone seems to ask that
Diane: cause its shockingg
Monica: and you always ask "why"
if they cut it then they cut it there shouldnt be an explanation for it you ask me that sometimess too and my brothers aren't dumb
it might be okay for me to say it but it just sounds mean when someone else does. sorry i just had to tell you

[ Okay, what the fuck. You think your own best friend would catch sarcasm? Hah apparently not. And, asking why is not a crime. I'm sorry princess, something didn't go to your liking for once. ]

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