Monday, January 24, 2011


Gah, I love you. I love it when we have good days like this:) Oh how could I ever be mad at you? So, I was all taking a nap today right? And I was like "oh my, I wish Kevin was here." Ah, I hate you being like six hours away! It really, really sucks. I hate like wishing you were here to do things with me. For instance, you could literally be here doing homework with me, hehe. I wouldn't mind doing homework with you. I would like make up homework to do so the time would last longer... yeah I'm kind of lame I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I played tennis today and that you like like like like were awaiting for me to call you. I'm so glad I called you in time though. When you told me you had to go I thought it was five already and I got kind of sad. Haha, is that lame? I actually wrote a real blog like two weeks ago, but I like discarded it because it was super embarrassing. Yeaaaahhh, you will never ever see it. You are so precious, aaaah -dies

I keep typing 24 months every time I mean to type 14. I guesss that means you can get stuck with me for another ten months so I won't look like an idiot when I'm typing 24 huh? Kay, that was a confusing sentence, but bear with me. I try.

As I always say, I'm so thankful for having you there for me all the time. I'm so happy that we actually get along like all the time. Yeah, we have our ups and downs, but it seems like nothing compared to other people's problems. You just said what the freak. What the freak, since when did you substitute the word freak for fuck? Aw, I sorry that you're doing my crossword and you're having technical difficulties with it): I feel so terrible, so if it's too hard you should like not do it anymore because that's like boring and lame to do.

Remember last January when we were all like "eh you're going to forget about me soon." LOOK! we didn't forget about each other:) and I definitely will never forget you. Even if you hated me one day you made such a big impact in my life. You were basically like my first everything? And I didn't get to be your first anytime )': But it's okay hah I guess I will get over that. No big deal. But yeah I just hope you never hate me or like like like yeah. I would be so devastated because you're so cool and I wanna talk to you forever and ever and sometimes I wish we had infinite minutes so we could just talk all day long. Is that okay? I mean I know I get boring and cranky sometimes, but I hope you can deal with that. I'm mean and you're nice.

i love you so so so much, diiannnenenenenenenenetooonnngngngngngng

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