Thursday, January 27, 2011

DT: Todaaaaay

Ah, my reaction after I got that text from you was pretty like "uh okaaay." Like, I know right? It's so dumb. But, it was just like 'awh' so does not turn into 'ash' (normally). Like, do you even know who you're talking to? You're probably all "omg babe yes!!" I know..
It's so dumb. I'm weird. No one likes me. Yada yada yada I know.. And I'm sorry for being a butthole about it. -Sigh, the conversation before that was so good though, like it felt like way back in the day when I would be like way too excited to receive a text message from you. It was like that again this morning. The conversation the night before and the way we just like "clicked" was awesome. Awesome is such a childish word, but I don't know another word that could possible describe it. I just did not want to stop talking to you at all. It was one of those nights where I wished so badly that school didn't have to come the next day or that minutes weren't a factor in how long we could talk. Oh, I wish we had the same cell phone company, but we don't and it absolutely sucks! So yeah, just wanted to tell you how I was such a dork this morning and was all desperate for you to respond to my text messages because I missed you so much today. I really just wanted to see you and receive a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug. It's times like this when I hate the whole distance thing. Distance stinks. But, I'm thankful for it because it makes me cherish the little stuff and the times we actually do get to spend together. I learned how to be more thankful for what I have because others have it far worse. AND MY NAME IS NOT ASH!!!

OH and I soooooooooooo did not "moan" yeah. Stop lying to me and saying I did loooserrr.

I love you lots!

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